
Her Brother’s Widow Tried To Make Her Buy Back An Heirloom Family Necklace For $1,000 Since She’s In Debt

Her dad agrees with her that Laurie shouldn’t have attempted to extort her regarding the necklace, and the heirloom actually comes from his side of the family.

“The thing is, I made peace with not having the necklace,” she said. “I have something to remember that particular piece of family history (a ring from the same jewelry set), and as [terrible] as I found it that Laurie wouldn’t return it, it felt even more slimy that she held it to ransom all these years later.”

“The thought of her profiting from what I consider a misdeed in the first place doesn’t sit right with me.”

“However, my aunts have now heard about it and are on my mom’s side. So now I’m wondering if I made a bad decision.”

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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