
Her Brother-In-Law Wants An Apology After He Secretly Set Her Up On A Blind Date With His Friend And She Ruined The Night

Viacheslav Yakobchuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

After this 26-year-old woman’s most recent relationship ended, she’s remained single for years since then. So, it’s really not so recent after all that she’s been taken instead of single.

She’s not bothered with trying to find a man to settle down with, as she likes her independence, but her family doesn’t agree with her views.

Her brother-in-law, in particular, acts like it’s his mission in life to land her a great guy. He thinks marriage is the most important thing on this planet, and he feels like she’s wasting her life by not investing more energy into finding a partner.

“He has tried to introduce me to multiple people; some I’ve entertained, while others I’ve politely refused to meet,” she explained.

“Those whom I’ve met were decent people, and they have taken the rejection well. The only issue here is that I don’t want to be with someone. But [my] BIL doesn’t find my reason genuine enough, and he is still on the “you haven’t met the right one” shtick.”

“The routinely blind date happened again, only this time I wasn’t told that it was one. As frustrating as my BIL’s match-making hobby can be, he does usually ask for my consent or at least tell me, “Surprise! You’re going on a date!” But this was different.”

Her brother-in-law and sister invited their loved ones out to dinner, including her, and it was supposed to be a casual get-together with only family members.

When her brother-in-law introduced her to one of his friends at the dinner, she didn’t think twice about it.

The guy seemed cool, and she had a nice time meeting him. But then this guy started steering their conversation in a way too personal direction, and she started to suspect she was on a blind date, yet she couldn’t confirm it right then and there.

Viacheslav Yakobchuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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