
She Went On A Date With A Guy, Paid For All Of His Drinks, And Then He Kissed Three Random Girls In Front Of Her

MiguelZare - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever been on a date that started out well but left you feeling betrayed by the end of the night?

TikTok creator Els (@scoobyssnack2) shares a dating story where she had to take matters into her own hands.

Els was not really into the dating world but decided to give this guy a shot. There was a meteor shower that night, so they started out the evening looking up at the sky, getting cozy, and having a good time. It, unfortunately, did not stay that wholesome for very long!

Els decides to take her date to a fancy wine bar, where she buys them a bottle of wine to share. She paid for everything that evening because she wanted to treat him to something special.

After sharing their wine, he took her to a bar where they had some drinks, still being paid for by Els, and enjoyed a couple of games of pool together.

They then went to a nearby club, which is where everything started to go south.

“In front of me [he] starts kissing all these other girls, three girls he was getting on in front of me on a date that I paid for with a drink in his hand that I paid for,” Else recalls.

Turns out, he was telling these girls that he was not really feeling it on the date with Els. Els was annoyed and hurt that he wasn’t honest with her, AKA the one person that he should have been honest with. Instead, he just continued on throughout the night, allowing her to pay for everything.

By the end of the night, Els date had way too much to drink. He insists on driving home with his friends that he met up with at the club and plans to completely ditch his date with Els.

MiguelZare – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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