
As Soon As He Started Sleeping With His Friend, She Demanded That He Share His Location With Her

“I heard her out and said that’s a very fair point, but I asked her why she cared so much about it, and she told me, “You never know what people are up to, and I don’t know if you’re talking to other girls.”

“I just told her I feel this would be better as a healthy discussion where we make our concerns known instead of making dealbreaker demands with no communication. I also made it clear that I wasn’t talking to anyone and just don’t like the idea of feeling watched. It’s either you trust someone or you don’t.”

He’s left wondering if he not acting in a way that’s rational or fair. He knows he’s bad with relationships in general and has lost a few good girls because of his actions.

What do you think; does he have a right to not want to share his location with his friend even though they’re sleeping together?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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