
He Broke Up With His Girlfriend After Finding Out She Slept With His Coworker During Their First Month Of Dating While Making Him Wait To Hook Up With Her During The Same Time Period

As for his coworker, she swore that her hook-up with the guy was just a one-night stand.

After finding that out, though, he was still furious, and he immediately told his girlfriend to get out of his place.

“Because I knew I was gonna say things I couldn’t take back,” he admitted.

Then, once he had calmed down a few days later, he had a chance to think through the whole situation. That was when he ultimately decided to break up with her.

Nonetheless, she just kept trying to tell him that she “wanted more” with him and their relationship. She’s even claiming that he was “special.”

“But I told her that I feel like I’m not attractive to her, or at least not as much as others,” he vented.

“Basically, I said that I can’t be that special if she preferred to sleep with a one-night stand rather than me.”

Still, ever since calling it quits with his girlfriend, he can’t help but wonder if breaking up with her because she slept with another man while making him wait was really the wrong thing to do.

How would you feel if your partner did something like that? Did he do the right thing by breaking up with his girlfriend?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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