
He Fell Asleep On A Movie Date With A Girl And Woke Up To Meet Her Alternate Personality Named Elayne

ARUTA Images - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Dating is known for being complex, but sometimes, it comes with certain intricacies that one just cannot anticipate.

TikToker Ryan Michael Annese (@rytoast10) is talking about a girl he had been seeing for a week, and in that week, their time together went from blissful to bewildering.

He met a girl online, and on their first date, they went out to play golf. They had the best time and later went on a second date, which involved go-kart racing. After driving around go-karts, they got the chance to learn a little more about each other over ramen.

He was under the impression that she was in medical school. She also told him that she had a mental illness.

When he shared that he struggled with anxiety, she gave him a strange look and said that her issue was more serious. He didn’t want to ask her to elaborate, thinking that it might make her feel uncomfortable, so he let it go.

Aside from that, they got along really well and had a lot in common. It seemed that the fun would never come to an end, but as you may know, good things never last. For their third date, she asked him to meet her parents over dinner at their house. He was extremely nervous but agreed to do it anyway.

It was a 47-minute car ride to her parents’ house. When he arrived, her parents seemed overjoyed to have him there and showered him with praise. There was a breezeway connecting her apartment above the garage to her parents’ house. She did not come down for the first 20 minutes, so he just chatted with her parents.

He recalled that on their first date, she had told him that he might have hyperthyroidism because of his large Adam’s apple.

Being a gullible person, he believed her. But her mother informed him that she had left medical school a month ago because of something that had happened.

ARUTA Images – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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