
He Just Found Out That His Wife’s Been Having An Affair With His Longtime Friend, So Now He Wants To Divorce Her And Leave Her With Nothing

Oleksii - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man and his wife have been married for six years, but he recently discovered some heartbreaking news: she had been having an affair with his longtime friend behind his back.

“Needless to say, I am absolutely devastated,” he said.

Ever since he found out about the affair, he has also been thinking about divorcing his wife. But, the situation is pretty sticky because, given what his wife did, he doesn’t actually think that she deserves any money after their separation.

He believes this is justified, too, since they don’t have any kids together, and they both work full-time. So, his wife isn’t financially dependent on him or anything.

“And I just can’t shake the feeling that I don’t owe her anything in terms of alimony or splitting assets,” he admitted.

He has also reached out to a lawyer who reaffirmed his beliefs, claiming that he may be able to go through with the divorce without giving his wife a dime – especially considering the fact that she cheated.

When he talked to some of his friends about this, though, they just accused him of being way too harsh. They claimed that he should at least give his wife something in order to make the whole process a lot smoother.

Now, he realizes that divorce is a very complex process, and there are both legal and moral factors to take into consideration here.

“But, given the betrayal I’ve experienced, I can’t help but feel like she doesn’t deserve anything from me,” he vented.

Oleksii – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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