
He Told His Girlfriend To Pay For More Of Their Dates, And She Called Him A Loser For Not Wanting To Pay For Everything Like Other Guys Do

Tatiana Kolosovskaya - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

While many of us dream of finding a romantic partner who is interested in living with us and spending their days with us, sometimes, depending on the person, we end up not wanting that to happen.

One man is on the outs with his girlfriend after refusing to move in with her and telling her he’d like her to pay the bill on more of their dates.

He’s 27 and has been dating his 26-year-old girlfriend for eight years. After dating for a long time, his girlfriend has started talking about moving in with him and sharing their lives together.

They’re living separately at the moment, and he’s been saving up to buy a house.

Unfortunately, something is standing in the way of him moving in with his girlfriend, and he’s been very hesitant.

“I can’t trust her financially,” he said.

“She always tells me that it’s [a man’s] job to pay for everything, and she compares me to her friend’s husband, who is rich and financially supports his family. My girlfriend [and I] don’t have kids, but her ideal relationship looks like this: she has a full-time job, but her money is [only] her money only, and my money is our money.”

Since his budget is tight, he told his girlfriend that if she wanted to move in with him, she would ideally financially contribute to their household.

If she wanted to prove to him they could make things work, she could start paying for more of their dates.

Tatiana Kolosovskaya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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