
Her Daughter Lied About Being Able To Graduate From College, So She Forced Her To Cancel Her Party And Cover The Costs - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has a daughter who is currently attending college, and her daughter is supposed to be graduating this semester.

She has spent the last seven months discussing a graduation party with her daughter, and her daughter has already planned her guest list.

The invitations have been sent out, and many of their loved ones have already booked their flights to attend the party.

However, there is one snag in the plan; apparently, her daughter is no longer graduating from college.

“She lied to everyone for at least 4 months,” she explained. “She failed a class she needed to graduate last semester and didn’t inform anyone.”

“She told us this yesterday: the party is in about a month, and everything has been paid for already.”

“So I informed her she needs to call all her relatives and explain the situation. If they can’t get a refund for their flights, I expect her to offer to pay them back.”

She is also making her daughter pay her back for everything she already ordered for the party and cannot get a refund on.

Her daughter got into an enormous fight with her about having to reimburse her and their family members, and her daughter accused her of being awful and embarrassing her. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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