
Her Husband Lost $60,000 On Stocks, Then Emotionally Cheated On Her

Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For three years now, this 32-year-old woman has been married to her 33-year-old husband. She says their relationship has had highs and lows, and at one point, she was financially supporting the two of them for close to a year as her husband struggled with depression and a career change.

They got into arguments over the division of their housework, as she felt as if she was unfairly doing more than she should, but overall, their marriage was alright, and she was quite happy.

A year ago, she learned that she was pregnant, and she and her husband were thrilled at the opportunity to become parents.

They instantly began planning for the arrival of their baby, but she was upset that their house was very little and tight for a party of three.

She also was struggling to understand why she and her husband were only getting into more and more debt when they were living well within their means.

She also works as a nurse and makes excellent money, further adding to her confusion over their gloomy financial situation.

During the year her husband didn’t work, she had taken out a line of credit to help support them, but she never purchased new clothing or paid a lot of money for their groceries, as she always got what was on sale.

So she was really failing to see how they were so far in the hole. Her husband insisted that he was taking money from their joint account to pay down his credit card debt and tuition that had accumulated while he was jobless.

While her husband once again has a job, he made a mistake and gave his company the incorrect information, so they have been depositing his checks into his own personal account instead of their joint account.

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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