
Her Husband Started Looking For Women To Hookup With Six Months After She Gave Birth To Their First Child

farmuty - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 35-year-old woman has been married to her 35-year-old husband for 5 years, and they have been together for 12 years in total. They recently welcomed their first child together, and their baby is now 15-months-old.

Sadly, she can prove that her husband has been looking for women to hookup with since back in June of last year, though she only caught him in January of this year.

She actually found the messages her husband sent to other women online, flirting with them. It broke her heart since she came across all of this just 6 months after giving birth.

She also was only 2 months into being a stay-at-home mom after quitting the career she had for an entire decade.

“He had been flirting at bars and randomly seeking women online,” she explained. “He sought advice from a relationship coach (shelled out $700) and would communicate with this “coach” to try and improve his interactions in person and online to “close” on a date.”

“He states he hasn’t been physical with anyone. He has deleted all social media since and has been extremely remorseful. He has been putting in more effort at home to “try and give me peace.”

“The reasons he has given for seeking a one-night stand are irrelevant to me, as we had a healthy physical relationship. His words: He was selfish and cocky and thought he deserved it as he is a “man of value.”

Her husband has mentioned he didn’t believe his effort to hook up with other women would in any way hurt her as terribly as it has.

But then, as soon as he said that, he stated he never imagined his behavior would impact her at all since he never figured she would find out.

farmuty – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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