
Her Stepsister Felt Entitled To Her Dad’s $2 Million Inheritance After He Passed Away, So She Said She Deserves Nothing

However, all the siblings recently discovered that their dad’s inheritance, which consisted of over $2 million and two properties, solely went to London, who could do whatever she wanted with it.

“Personally, this doesn’t bother me at all, [as] the money belongs to our parents, and they can do whatever they want with it,” she said.

“But when April found out, she was livid. She’s been screaming at both Mom and London [and] blowing up their phones since she found out. When she asked me why I wasn’t more upset, I told her that London was the only one of us who could split the inheritance fairly.”

She feels that if her mom and dad decided that London was the best sibling to handle their inheritance, that was justified. However, April has been on a non-stop mission to get the inheritance money distributed to each sibling. 

Since she lives with her mom, she’s been dealing with the brunt of April’s rampage, as April keeps trying to get her to talk to her mom about changing the inheritance. April has also been telling her she will contact a law firm to try and change the situation’s outcome, and she’s gotten extremely tired of her behavior.

“I told April that she [wasn’t] entitled to [anything] and deserved nothing, that none of us did,” she recalled.

“It is their money, and she is a horrible person for not only thinking she deserves to have the money but [also for] already making plans for it.”

Should she feel bad for telling April she deserved nothing, or was it something April needed to hear?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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