
Her Wife Got Into Another Car Accident That Left Three Cars Totaled And Sent Two People To The Hospital, So Now She Plans To Divorce Her Wife Over The Repeated Reckless Driving

contrastwerkstatt - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 33-year-old woman’s wife, who is also 33, was recently in another car accident that caused three cars to be totaled and two people to be sent to the hospital.

And while she isn’t sure about the severity of the injuries, she knows that the individuals involved have retained an attorney. So, she now wants to divorce her wife over the recklessness.

She claimed that this accident was not an isolated incident. In fact, her wife’s driving history has been horrible – including various accidents and traffic violations, like driving over 40 miles per hour in a school zone.

She’s tried to have repeated discussions with her wife about road safety, too, but none of the efforts to work on her wife’s behavior has helped.

Instead, her wife just got into yet another accident, and this time, her wife was driving with a suspended license behind her back. Apparently, this was the second time her wife had had a suspended license in seven years.

“While attempting to cut across traffic for a coffee shop, my wife collided with two other vehicles, causing extensive damage and injuries,” she explained.

“This severe incident follows a troubling pattern over the past year: two other accidents, several speeding tickets, a disregard for car maintenance leading to further incidents, and her license being previously suspended.”

She feels like she’s done her best to help support her wife, from actually teaching defensive driving techniques to even suggesting lifestyle changes for her wife to increase focus and reduce fatigue.

Regardless, she believes that her wife hasn’t taken her concerns seriously, and she’s seriously over it.

contrastwerkstatt – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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