
His Wife Cheated On Him In The Exact Same Way He Cheated On Her A Decade Earlier, And He’s Gutted

SERGEI - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

10 years ago, this 38-year-old man was freshly married to his 36-year-old wife, and they hit a difficult spot in their marriage.

His wife was super stressed out back then with her job, and they weren’t connecting in a way that was as exhilarating as it had been for them all along.

Then, he began second-guessing that marrying his wife was the right choice for him. He suspected that he had made an enormous error in making that kind of lifelong commitment to her.

Instead of trying to find help to work through his feelings in a productive way, he chose to cheat on his wife instead.

“I ended up seeking comfort in an online acquaintance I’d been talking to on a friendly basis, and things turned [steamy]; we were [sending messages] every day for a while and using Skype while my wife was working shifts,” he explained.

“This came to a head when, one day, my wife noticed Skype had been downloaded on the laptop, got curious, and found the chat logs. She confronted me in the heat of the moment; I took the laptop off her and deleted everything because I didn’t want her to be hurt by seeing all the details, the way I’d talked about her and my doubts about our marriage, let alone the cheating that had taken place.”

“I did admit [to] the cheating, which she had already gathered from what she had seen, it had only ever been online, and we moved past it eventually.”

Things did go on to be fine for them, but in the last handful of years together, everything has taken a turn for the worse.

The pressure that comes along with having kids and jobs has really weighed on him and his wife.

SERGEI – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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