
She And Her Mom Told Her Sister That Her Bad Hygiene And Unkempt Hair Was The Reason Why She Wasn’t Landing Any Internships During Law School, And Now Her Sister Won’t Speak To Them

Serhii - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When someone you love has really bad hygiene, as awkward as it is, you should tell them they need to start taking better care of themselves. Unfortunately, you never know what kind of response you’ll get.

One woman and her mom recently had to tell her sister that she should focus more on her hygiene in order to get the job she wants, and now her sister is angry with her.

She has a sister named Mary, who is very smart, excelling in law school, and wants to become a lawyer. However, she does not have good personal hygiene.

“She’ll usually go three but sometimes even five or seven days without showering,” she explained.

“We live in a very warm area, and [she] smells really bad. [It’s] so bad that sometimes it’s hard to be in a small room with her. Mom tells Mary that she should be showering every day, but Mary just says that she’s too tired and doesn’t like showering anyway.”

Her mom has tried several times to get Mary little gadgets and products that could help make Mary’s hygiene routines more efficient, but she hasn’t used them.

In addition to not bathing, Mary also has very unkempt hair. She had bleached and colored it in the past but hasn’t done anything since, so it’s usually frizzy, messy, and an array of colors. 

Recently, Mary’s been complaining about not being able to find a job at a law firm or a law internship like many of her classmates. It’s a shame, as Mary has a great resume and has what it takes to be a great employee or intern, but she has never made it past in-person job interviews.

While their mom has gently tried telling Mary that she may have a better chance of getting a job if she improved her appearance and grooming habits, Mary dismissed her.

Serhii – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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