
She Asked Her Sister-In-Law To Buy Her A New Wedding Dress After She Ruined Hers By Turning It Into A Mini Dress

After discussing her idea with Adrien, he felt like this was a good way to resolve the issue since Silena was the one who destroyed her dress.

So, she texted Silena a link for the second dress she’d been debating on buying, asking her if she could pay for it to make up for altering her dress without permission.

“Silena texted back, saying that she wouldn’t pay for the replacement dress and that I should be fine with wearing the first one or paying for the replacement dress myself. We argued over text for a while before Silena just stopped responding and left me on read,” she shared.

The following morning, she woke up and saw that her future mother-in-law left her a voicemail. When she listened to the voicemail, her mother-in-law took Silena’s side, telling her that Silena shouldn’t feel obligated to purchase a second dress to replace the first one because she altered the dress as a kind gesture.

She let Adrien know about his mother’s voicemail, and he told her that they should double down on expecting Silena to pay for the replacement dress.

However, she is now unsure about whether this is the best idea since her future mother-in-law isn’t thrilled about this.

What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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