
She Feels Guilty That She Landed The Book Deal Her Best Friend Has Spent Her Whole Life Working For

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman has a 36-year-old best friend named Dee, and she really believes that Dee is a talented writer.

Ever since she and Dee were children, they adored writing and reading together, though Dee is the one who grew up to be a writer.

Although that’s not Dee’s official job title, it’s her number one passion in life. Dee also got her Master’s degree in a relevant area and takes writing workshops as well as classes.

Dee has a large body of work; she has dabbled in many different genres and has finished four books.

With all the books Dee has written, Dee hired professional proofreaders and editors to help polish up her writing.

“I can honestly say I have loved reading everything she has ever sent me to read,” she explained.

“Not only me but all of our friends are huge supporters of hers and hope/know she will make it big one day. On the other hand, my approach to writing is… barely an approach. I attended the 1st of 8 workshops with her and have written maybe 10 things in my life, and while I enjoy it, it is neither a passion nor a hobby for me, partly because I don’t have time.”

“Dee has been incredibly supportive of me as well, always encouraged me to share my one complete book. On a very theoretical level (fantasy land), I would love to be a world-famous, inspirational, influential author (who doesn’t?), but this has never been my dream. It is hers, and I truly believe she can do it.”

She is already working in an industry she adores and is good at, so writing is never something she wanted to seriously pursue.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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