
She Freaked Out On Her Sister For Announcing A Pregnancy Mere Minutes After She Told Her Family She’d Just Found Out That She Isn’t Able To Have Children

ilijaa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old woman is currently in a relationship, and she and her partner have been trying to get pregnant for a while now.

So, when she and her sister, who is 34, were recently at their parents’ house, they all sat down in the living room to catch up.

“And my parents know that I’ve been trying for a baby with my partner,” she said.

That’s why they asked her for an update on how it had been going. But her parents had no clue that she’d recently received some very upsetting news.

More specifically, she found out that she would not ever be able to get pregnant. So, she filled her family in, and they shared a pretty emotional moment.

“I got really upset because I really wanted a baby,” she recalled.

“I still have other options, of course, but this is still really upsetting.”

Well, while her parents attempted to comfort and console her, her sister did the exact opposite. In fact, her sister just decided to announce her pregnancy– totally disregarding the mood of the room.

“I’m sorry to hear that, but on a lighter note, I’m pregnant!” her sister said, word for word.

ilijaa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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