
She Took Her Date To Court Because He Threatened To Slander Her Name And Show Up At Her House When She Didn’t Respond To His Text Messages Quick Enough

By the time she got off her shift, she was exhausted. She ended up falling asleep in her bed. When she woke up, it was two in the morning.

She saw that she had about 20 text messages from him, and they grew increasingly scarier as she scrolled through them.

He threatened to slander her name to the medical school that she had just been accepted into so that she could never be anything but a family medicine doctor.

He also knew where she lived and threatened to go to her place. She called the police and told them about everything that had happened.

The police served him with an arrest warrant to the address they had on file, which was his parents’ address.

They both had to go to court. His whole family showed up, looking extremely upset with him and mad at her.

He was ordered to complete six months of domestic violence courses. After that, she never saw him again.


Crazy part is I really lobe Family Medicine and am considering applying for it ?? So glad I live in a van now and no man will ever have my address again #baddate #tinder #datingapp #storytime #vanlife #putafingerdownchallenge #crazydates

? original sound – sunflowershb

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