
She’s Dating Her Old High School Teacher, But She’s Worried About Being Judged By Her Former Classmates

okrasiuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Eleven years ago, this 26-year-old woman had a crush on her high school teacher. She was fully aware of how crazy her crush was; she knew nothing would ever happen since it was against the law, and also her teacher was married with children.

Fast forward to now; her 45-year-old former teacher sent her a follow request on Instagram, and that small act fanned the flames of her crush.

They had a few friends in common, and she accepted his request. From there, he liked one photo of hers, and she liked one photo he had on his profile. Then, her old teacher sent her a message simply saying hi.

“I started off by saying how he was my favorite teacher from high school and how much I loved his class…and he actually apologizes and says he didn’t remember me,” she explained.

She responded that it was fine since she knew he taught a lot of classes, and she was very quiet in high school, so she was not exactly memorable.

Their entire exchange was quick and polite. On her end, she wasn’t positive if he was still married, and she thought he kind of acted uneasy about her being a student of his from the past.

Later on, one of her high school friends mentioned to her that her old teacher got divorced five years ago.

“One day, I started posting some songs on my story, and it caught his attention because he’s a big 80s-90s music lover, and we started hitting it off with what songs we liked,” she said.

“Then he pulls me with a “Can I take you out for a drink sometime?” I was a little hesitant because I had just gotten out of a relationship a month prior, and I didn’t want to rush and also asked him if he was still married (to which he said no), but also told him that I did have a crush on him in high school and politely rejected him.”

okrasiuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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