
She’s Dating Her Old High School Teacher, But She’s Worried About Being Judged By Her Former Classmates

Her old teacher was so tenacious that she finally relented and agreed to a date with him. And their first date was actually incredible.

Her old teacher did address his concerns about their large age gap, but she reassured him that she wasn’t a stranger to that and used to date a guy a decade older than her.

Things got more serious, and she has since been dating her old teacher for the last four months. Her family knows all about him, and his family knows about her as well.

She’s also gotten to meet his friends and children, who all have been super welcoming of her. Her old teacher’s friends are teachers too, and they don’t care that she used to be one of his former students.

While there’s no judgment there, she is incredibly worried about making their relationship public and putting it out there for everyone on social media to see. Although her old teacher has shared photos of her on his social media profiles and doesn’t care about being judged, she is afraid of what people will think.

“I told him that I was worried about getting judged by my former classmates, and he reassured me that we weren’t doing anything wrong,” she added.

“He said that he didn’t even remember who I was and that I’m of age. We simply and technically just met on social media. For another reassurance, I asked him if he ever dated a former student before, and he said no. He usually follows former students just because he knows them, and if they were in his class before, he would always set boundaries with them. He just followed me because he thought I was cute, but genuinely had no idea who I was, lol.”

“I asked him what made me different and he said that he was surprised that we had a lot of things in common and that he was amazed with how we conversed just through messaging each other online.”

He also let her know that she was only his third-ever serious girlfriend. His first serious relationship was with his ex-wife, and his second was with a woman whom he dated for a year.

Following the end of his last relationship, he spent three years single before dating her seriously. So, she has a lot of green flags to go on, but the fear of being judged by her former classmates is holding her back in her relationship.

She did post a group photo on her Instagram featuring the two of them and a bunch of other people, as she was concerned that people would gossip about her.

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