
He Didn’t Tell His Youngest Son That His Oldest Son Died Of Cancer Because His Youngest Had An Affair With And Stole His Oldest’s Wife

Since their oldest son explicitly stated that he didn’t want his younger brother around before his passing, he didn’t think it would have been right to go against what his son wanted in his final days.

His wife said that she accepted his perspective, but she’s devastated that their youngest son is angry with them.

In her view, it could have been helpful if, as a family, they attempted to move through the healing process.

He said that their youngest son’s actions were “unforgivable,” and he didn’t think it would have been fair to go against their oldest son’s wishes by letting their youngest see his brother right before his passing.

Their son also blocked his mother’s phone number, which crushed her, and she has been hysterically crying for days.

She told him it was partly his fault for this situation since he didn’t push more for reconciliation between their sons before their oldest passed away. While he’s upset, he stands by his decision to honor their son’s wishes.

He believes their youngest son should have taken responsibility for his wrongdoing rather than projecting blame onto everybody else.

What advice would you give him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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