
He Dumped His Fiancée When He Discovered She Cheated On Him Twice, But Two Years Later, He’s Still In Love With Her

Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Two years ago, this man unfortunately learned that his fiancée was cheating on him with one of her coworkers.

He was at home, making sure their infant son was well cared for, while his fiancée was out and about with her affair partner.

He did forgive her, and looking back now, he says it was not a smart move on his part. However, he really was thinking about what was best for their son when he did this.

“I knew it hurt, and I knew I would struggle to trust her, but I really thought we were strong enough to heal from it,” he explained.

“We moved on; she cut him off and promised me that it would never happen again. Fast forward a year later, she had a new job. She was meeting new people and making friends, which made me happy for her.”

“I was supportive and made sure she had the free time she needed from our son to be with her new friends and maintain a social life, even though this meant I didn’t have one at all. One day, she started staying overnight at her friend’s places. I didn’t think much of it, although the lack of communication about when she would return always put me on edge.”

It was extremely upsetting for him to go 14 hours without hearing from his fiancée at all. He then began to suspect that perhaps she was out cheating with him again.

He was able to go through her phone to search for answers, which is unlike him, but he didn’t know what else to do.

What he came across on his fiancée’s phone made him sick. His fiancée had tons of evidence on there of her with another man, spelling out her second affair.

Iona – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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