
Her Boyfriend Feels Like He’s “Wasted” Two Years Being With Her After Finding Out She Can’t Have Children, Even Though She Always Told Him She Never Wanted To Have Kids Anyway

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has always been child-free by choice. On her first date with her now-boyfriend, she expressed that she never wanted to have kids, and he told her he was on the same page, adding that he wasn’t a fan of kids.

She feels comfortable discussing her child-free lifestyle; most of her friends are also child-free. Over the entirety of their two-year relationship, she’s had an open dialogue with her boyfriend about not wanting children.

When she was about 28, she learned she had to have a medical procedure that would cause her to be unable to have kids, and she had no chance of ever getting pregnant.

“I was happy about that because I don’t want children, so it lifted some stress from me (of accidental pregnancy),” she said.

Not long ago, her friend had an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. Her friend was an emotional wreck and weighing her choices. While talking about the situation with her boyfriend, he mentioned that it was strange they’d never experienced an unplanned pregnancy.

In response, she laughed and told him she was happy she couldn’t get pregnant. Her boyfriend looked stunned and asked what she was talking about, so she explained the medical procedure that caused her to be unable to have kids.

“He became very angry. He started screaming, ‘How could you lie to me like that?’ and ‘How could you keep it from me?'” she explained.

Her boyfriend’s intense reaction to her inability to have kids baffled her. While she could accept someone feeling hurt that she didn’t share these personal details, she didn’t think it gave her boyfriend the excuse to yell at her in a rage. They bickered for a while, and finally, he told her the truth.

“He said he thought I would CHANGE my mind about kids, that HE would change my mind, and even if he couldn’t, a baby would. He said that he WASTED two years with me,” she shared.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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