
Her Friend Called Her Cheap After She Offered To Pay For Dinner, Then Went Back On Her Word When Her Friend Started Ordering Expensive Things

Microgen - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Not that long ago, this young woman went out to dinner with one of her best friends, whom she has been close to for years.

There’s a restaurant her friend has been wanting to try, so they thought they should go there for dinner one evening.

“When we arrived, I was shocked to see that the menu featured some of the priciest dishes I had ever seen,” she explained.

“A key thing to note: I offered to pay before we went out to eat. As we looked over the menu, my friend began ordering some of the most expensive items, including a $50 steak and a $20 cocktail.”

“I was taken aback by the prices and politely suggested that we try some more affordable options.”

Her friend stated she wanted the expensive menu items and that she would be happy to pay for her share of their bill that night.

Later on, when they were done having dinner, and the check arrived, her friend did not offer to chip in as promised.

Her friend did have a lot to drink, so she knows it’s possible her friend forgot about offering to help pay. But this is where things got uncomfortable.

“When the bill arrived, her portion was over $100 more than I had budgeted for her ($60),” she said.

Microgen – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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