
Her Husband Cheated On Her A Month After She Got Pregnant, And His Affair Partner Won’t Stop Calling Him

BullRun - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman has a husband the same age as her, and she is currently eight months pregnant with their first child.

Sadly, a couple of days ago, her husband admitted that he cheated on her, and it all began between three and five months ago.

She had a bad feeling her husband was sneaking around, and she was hoping it was just emotional and not physical.

Since she knows it’s not ideal to be stressed out while pregnant for the sake of her baby, she did not want to bring it up to her husband until after she gives birth this May.

But, her husband confessed all on his own, as he could not live with the guilt any longer. She was shocked that his cheating was not just emotional but physical, too.

It hurt even worse because her husband knows how much cheating has impacted her in the past, as her dad cheated on her mom, and she wound up with a stepbrother. That was incredibly traumatic for her to have to deal with, and her husband knows this.

Her husband promises he’s regretful and ashamed of cheating on her, and he wants to work things out with her.

She spent a bit of time before deciding to give her husband another chance, and part of the reason she did this is for the sake of their child.

To paint the whole picture of her husband’s cheating timeline, back in October, they learned they were pregnant.

BullRun – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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