
Her Husband Has Secretly Sent Over $3,000 To A Mysterious Woman In The Last Month

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s been seven years now that this 32-year-old woman has been with her 41-year-old husband. While she was in the process of filing their taxes for this year, she ended up having to reset a password connected to her husband’s email address.

So, she went right into his inbox in order to get the link for the password. While she was in there, something weird caught her eye.

She noticed that her husband had sent some money to a mysterious woman she had never heard of before.

“In what is a violation of his privacy, I searched his inbox for the platform he used to complete the transaction and found that over the past month, he has sent more than three thousand dollars to this same woman,” she explained.

“We keep our finances separate, so I had no idea this was happening. He had asked if I could contribute to some larger expenses but had what seemed like legitimate excuses: “Stepson needs money for his spring break trip.” “MIL (who has lupus) needs help to cover the cost of a specialist visit,” etc. I can see the exact amounts I sent him funneled almost immediately to this woman.”

“There has been no change to his routine, no unexplained nights out, no unusual phone calls, no change in behavior at all except him secretly sending this money.”

Since she has this woman’s name, she decided to find her on social media, but that didn’t provide her with any more answers as to why her husband is sending her money.

This woman is not friends with her husband on social media, and she can see that her husband has not interacted with any content on her profile.

Clearly, her husband is a liar, so she’s not sure it makes sense to try to sit him down and have a conversation about this.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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