
Her Husband Spent $160,000 On Baseball Cards, Meanwhile He’s Been Yelling At Her For Her Spending Habits

scharfsinn86 - - illustrative purposes only

I’ve always felt so sorry for people who become victims of fraud or financial abuse due to their partner or spouse’s reckless actions.

One woman is trying desperately to get some of her money back after her irresponsible husband spend it on baseball cards, which he sees as an investment.

For the last three years, she’s struggled to find common ground on money issues with her husband. 

He wouldn’t give her access to look at their joint bank account or joint credit card bills online for a long time. He would also get unnecessarily mad at her anytime she spent money on things she wanted, like meal plans or salon trips.

“I would get yelled at for my ‘disrespectful spending’ and my financial goals not aligning with his, so he’d say,” she said.

Whenever she could get eyes on their joint account or credit card information, she’d notice mysterious $2,000 to $4,000 charges. Her husband immediately became defensive whenever she questioned them, telling her they were for family expenses and grocery trips.

Two months ago, her husband had a scary outburst when she questioned why there was another $4,000 taken out of their joint account.

He told her she “ruins everything,” told her her questioning was the reason why her past relationships failed, etc.

“This outburst made me realize there was more going on,” she said.

scharfsinn86 – – illustrative purposes only

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