
Her Sister Spilled Red Wine On Her Custom Wedding Dress And Ruined It As A “Joke”

Now that her wedding has come and gone, her sister has also begun accusing her of overreacting and claiming it was “just a joke.” Plus, her sister won’t even apologize and believes she should be able to “take a joke.”

“But ruining someone’s wedding dress on purpose is not a joke. It’s downright cruel,” she vented.

So, she’s refused to speak to her sister ever since the wedding, and honestly, she doesn’t know if she can ever forgive her.

Still, she’s not sure if cutting her sister out of her life for intentionally ruining what was supposed to be one of the best days of her life is justified or not.

Why do you think her sister would do such a thing? Would you be able to forgive your sister after this? What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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