
He’s Dying From Cancer And Told His Biological Father Not To Attend His Funeral Because He Was Never Present And Only Showed Up After He Got Sick

theartofphoto - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 24-year-old man received a cancer diagnosis at 17-years-old. He went through successful treatment cycles, but last year, he began to experience similar symptoms he had when he was 17 (sore throat and voice changes).

When he visited the doctor, he learned that the cancer returned but was more intense this time around. He’s currently going through treatment, but his doctor told him the treatment might not be successful. His cancer is in an advanced stage and has, unfortunately, spread to other organs.

“I have accepted and come to peace with the fact that I might die at this age, and I’m okay with it. I try to live as normally as I can, but there are days I feel physically and mentally exhausted,” he said.

His mother is from Central America. Before he was born, his father, 52, visited Central America from the United States. His father was married and had children in the US. When his mom and dad engaged in an affair, his mom got pregnant with him.

“His wife found out about me and gave him an ultimatum. He left my mom while pregnant, gave her some money to buy a house, and told her never to contact him again,” he explained.

Throughout his life, his father never contacted him or tried to form a relationship. He never met his dad or spoke with him.

While he doesn’t have many memories of meeting his father’s side of the family, he recalled a memory of a red-headed woman visiting him when he was 7, introducing herself as his grandmother. That was the only time he saw the woman, and he had no idea if she was still alive.

Even though he and his father have always been “strangers” to one another, and his dad was just another person out in the world, he never felt sad about it. Luckily, his grandfather has been a wonderful paternal figure over the years.

While undergoing his first cancer treatment at 17, he received a Facebook friend request from a man who physically resembled him and had his previous last name. He thought the man was his half-brother and denied the friend request.

theartofphoto – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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