
His Wife Feels Betrayed After His Coworker Came Over To Their House And Was Rude To Her

BullRun - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Are you ever with someone and find that they have a hard time picking up on when another person is being rude?

One man was surprised to hear his wife was upset about a recent visit with his coworker, who was rude towards her while visiting their house and new baby.

He and his wife are in their 30s and had a baby eight weeks ago. His coworker, Emma, recently went to their house to say hello and visit the baby. Emma has been in their lives for a while now, and they’ve maintained a friendly relationship outside of work.

While he didn’t see anything wrong with it in the moment, Emma’s visit was a bit disappointing, as she acted strange and did some other things that alarmed his wife.

Emma made a few snide remarks about his wife’s postpartum recovery and tried to make her feel like he was the one suffering the most, as he had to go back to work while his wife stayed at home on maternity leave.

Before the baby was born, Emma made these promises that she’d cook for them and bring a bunch of food over when she met the baby for the first time, but she arrived at their house empty-handed.

“She [also] talked to me more than to my wife, almost sucking up to me,” he recalled.

“She brought up work-related conversations and talked about technology. I reciprocated some of this, as I like to talk about tech, but it made my wife feel isolated. I regret not picking up on this in the moment.”

Before Emma left their house, they spoke about a new computer that had come out, and Emma mentioned her kids would love it. He enthusiastically gave her some tips on the computer, and eventually, Emma made her way home.

BullRun – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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