
His Wife Filed For Divorce After Her Friend Made Up A Lie About Him, But Now That She Knows The Truth, She Wants To Get Back Together

amixstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Close to two years ago now, this 33-year-old man’s 32-year-old wife went on vacation with her mom and sisters.

He stayed at home with their kids: a 6-year-old daughter and an 8-year-old son. The evening before his wife was supposed to come home from her trip, she sent him a strange message.

It said his wife knew what he had done, and she wanted him out of the house before she got back home.

That was all the message contained. He was super confused, so he called and texted his wife, but she wouldn’t respond.

“When she arrived home, I was still there because I had no clue what was going on,” he explained.

“She came in ready to go. Yelling at me, accusing me of having other women in the house, telling me her friend had told her all about my affair with her and at least one other woman.”

“Our fight went on for days. In the end, I told her if she believed that, if she thought I was capable of doing that to her and our family, then she could pack her stuff and leave. She did, and then she filed for divorce.”

Several days later, police officers showed up at his house and took his kids away. It was five months until he saw his kids again.

His wife made it impossible for him to see his kids, as she made up lies about how he financially and physically abused them all in an effort to hurt him.

amixstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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