
She Admitted She Imagined Her Fiancé Proposing To Her Differently, So Now He’s Devastated

Studio Romantic - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Even if we’re advised not to, we often picture major milestone moments in our lives and what they’ll be like. For instance, when I was a little girl, I would dream about the day someone would get down on one knee and ask me to marry them.

But sometimes, things don’t always go how we would’ve hoped. Sometimes, a proposal happens when you least expect it.

One woman recently was surprised by how her boyfriend proposed, especially since she told him how she wanted it to happen. But now that she’s admitted her surprise, her boyfriend believes he ruined her dream proposal, and she feels guilty.

She and her boyfriend, now fiancé, are in their late 20s and have been together for two years. They’re deeply in love and have been super happy together. She’s from a different country, and knowing they were serious about their future together, they decided to move to her home country to live together.

“He’s truly the love of my life,” she said.

“He’s kind, good-hearted, sweet and attentive. I couldn’t wait to get married to him. I’ve told him I would like the proposal to be in a romantic setting, maybe in a park after a romantic dinner while we’re nicely dressed.”

They’ve been working hard, packing up and getting ready for their move to her home country. A few nights ago, on a Sunday, they were exhausted after spending most of their week packing and working. So, they decided to have a chill night and order takeout.

“We [were] sitting on the couch in chaotic packing surroundings, just exhausted from the day,” she recalled.

“I [was] playing video games on my laptop; my boyfriend was scrolling through his phone. Then, at one point, he [said] he’s nervous and walked out of the room. When he came back, he hugged me and [told] me that he [needed] to tell me something, but he’s asking my forgiveness in advance. Then he showed me the box with the ring, [got] down on one knee for a second, and then shot up, asking me if I would marry him.”

Studio Romantic – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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