
She Told Her Pregnant Teenaged Daughter That She Needs To Move Out As Soon As Possible Because She Doesn’t Want Anymore Children Living In Her Home

Despite having a baby, she graduated college at 22, and parenting went smoothly until her husband tragically passed away while in service.

“I raised the one child I wanted. I do not want any more children living in my home. The fact that it worked out okay for me is clouding my daughter’s judgment, I think,” she shared.

While she assured Rose that she’d pitch in to help buy diapers sometimes and visit her and the baby, she wouldn’t be responsible for any childcare.

If Rose decided to place the baby for adoption, she would support her and help figure out a plan. However, she was almost certain Rose wouldn’t choose adoption.

Now, Rose refuses to speak to her. She remarried since her late husband’s passing, and her husband (Rose’s stepfather) hasn’t gotten involved.

But he did weigh in and said she should be willing to pitch in with childcare if Rose needed her to. She countered that he was free to babysit Rose’s child if he wanted, which shut down the conversation.

While Rose seems to think she’ll have a similar situation to hers when she raised Rose, she knows it won’t be the same.

Rose’s boyfriend wouldn’t be able to provide her or their baby with health insurance, and he isn’t ambitious.

She knows she’ll never want to provide childcare, but she’d be willing to attend birthday parties and purchase presents for her grandchild. The idea of Rose, the baby, and Rose’s boyfriend living with her is out of the question.

What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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