
While Sleeping In The Basement Of Her Father’s House As A Child, A Ghost Raced Down The Stairs And Had Her Same Face And Long Hair, Just Paler And Malnourished

Zacarias da Mata - - illustrative purposes only

When this woman was a child, her dad lived across the street from a cemetery. She thought it was awesome because she was always fascinated by spooky things like ghosts. Between the street where her dad lived and the cemetery was a massive, empty field of overgrown weeds and dry grass as tall as their knees, which was creepy.

On one occasion, she and her sister went to their father’s house, and she was worried about sleeping with her sister in the basement because there were 13 red stairs leading to the basement. She was always superstitious, but her father chuckled at the idea of bad luck because of the 13 stairs.

At the time, she wasn’t yet knowledgeable about ghosts and other spooky happenings associated with certain numbers, but she felt uneasy about the basement stairs. During their first night at their dad’s house, she and her sister slept on mattresses on the floor in the basement, and there was no door in the room they slept in.

“We listened to a woman’s quiet voice try to lure us into the darkness. I felt a strong urge to go with her. But something felt off about her, so I stayed with my sister to keep her safe,” she said.

The woman who called out to them seemed angry they didn’t leave their room to go with her. On the second or third night at their father’s house, they heard her footsteps marching up and down the basement steps, and at times, it sounded like she was walking on all fours.

Later, they heard her muttering to herself so quietly they could barely hear her, and they questioned whether they heard anyone whispering at all. Another night, the paranormal activity escalated so much that they couldn’t ignore it anymore, and it was a night she’d never forget.

They heard static in the air, and suddenly, the ghost of the mysterious woman raced down the basement steps. Her sister, terrified, made a whimpering noise and jumped onto her mattress beside her.

She clung to her sister, and they shifted away from the noise until their backs were against the wall. After a few minutes, they thought the terror was over, but this was when they saw the ghost of the woman.

“We stared into the darkness when, on the top left of the doorway, she poked her head into the room, but something was wrong. My sister screamed, but I was too shocked to move until she pulled her head quickly back into the darkness behind the wall,” she explained.

Zacarias da Mata – – illustrative purposes only

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