After Her Brother-In-Law Passed Away, His Ex-Girlfriend Came Out Of The Woodwork And Claimed He Left His Entire Estate To Her In A Handwritten Will, But She Thinks His Ex Is Just A Gold Digger

VK Studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
VK Studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

About four years ago, this woman’s brother-in-law was in a relationship with his ex-girlfriend – whom he dated on and off for around six years. Then, following the separation, her brother-in-law and his ex still communicated from time to time.

To be clear, they never actually lived together or had any children. Nonetheless, during their relationship, her brother-in-law would help support his ex-girlfriend and her kids from a previous marriage financially.

“Then, he was laid off from his job and couldn’t provide the same amount financially as he was before,” she recalled, “She broke up with him soon after.”

Now, four years later, her brother-in-law recently passed away unexpectedly. And when his ex found out about the news, she was apparently devastated.

Her brother-in-law’s ex also reached out to her mother-in-law – who is grieving – via text and phone. In the beginning, his ex was really supportive, too, and spoke about how great a man her brother-in-law was over the years.

However, to her, it quickly became clear that her brother-in-law’s ex was just seeking money. That’s because, not long afterward, his ex brought up how, while they were dating, her brother-in-law apparently created a “handwritten will.” And in this handwritten will, her brother-in-law’s ex claimed that he’d left his entire estate to her.

After telling her mother-in-law about this, her brother-in-law’s ex also sent her mother-in-law a picture of the so-called will.

“But his estate is substantial, and he had another will made with a lawyer after they broke up, and she wasn’t included,” she explained.

That’s why she just feels like her brother-in-law’s ex is simply a “gold digger.” Not to mention, she thought it was super inconsiderate to send the photo of the handwritten will to her mother-in-law so soon after her brother-in-law’s passing.

VK Studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Nonetheless, she and her husband have different views on the situation. Her husband actually thinks his brother’s ex was just trying to show everyone how much he loved her. Her husband also believes that his brother’s ex must have known that he created a new will after their break up.

“But I feel like she doesn’t know about the new will and is going to start creating drama,” she vented.

Still, with her and her husband clashing over this, she’s unsure if believing that her brother-in-law’s ex-girlfriend is a “major gold digger” is reasonable or not.

Do you think it’s convenient that her brother-in-law’s ex-girlfriend was suddenly able to produce a handwritten will after he died? Or do you believe she’s overreacting?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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