
Doe Eyes Are Back From The Sixties, And Here’s How You Can Achieve The Look

Aleksandr Rybalko - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

I’ve always found that the eyes are the best facial feature. While a good smile is hard to beat, you can tell so much about a person by their eyes.

So many eye makeup trends have come and gone over the years, but recently, more makeup enthusiasts have been putting more emphasis on their eyes and working to create doe-eye looks.

Doe-eye looks were quite popular in the 60s and 70s, with icons like Twiggy showing off gorgeous and trendy makeup looks that emphasized her big eyes.

Now, big doe-eye makeup looks are coming back as people recognize how fun it is to walk around with big, beautiful eyes versus eyeshadow looks that crowd them and make them look smaller. 

If you want to participate in the doe-eye makeup trend, here are some tips for achieving striking eye looks.

First things first, with any eye makeup trend, you’ll be sure to get your best results if you apply a hydrating eye primer before putting on any makeup. It’ll keep your skin hydrated and ensure the makeup you put on stays put.

It may sound surprising, but doe-eye looks require a good amount of eyeliner. While lining your waterline too intensely with dark shades may make your eyes appear smaller, putting eyeliner in the right places will help.

Smudging eyeliner on your lower and upper lash line will help your eyes appear bigger and softer. Avoid creating harsh lines or wings, as you want to keep things as smooth and light as possible.

When using eyeshadows, you can still play around with different colors, but you want to ensure you’re rounding out your eyes instead of creating sharp edges and angles.

Aleksandr Rybalko – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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