His Girlfriend’s Angry At Him For Agreeing To Be His Best Friend’s Wingman On A Night Out

mavoimages - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
mavoimages - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

The whole goal of having a wingman is to feel supported when meeting new people. It’s not always easy to talk to someone you don’t know, after all, and having a best friend there to help makes it all less stressful.

This 28-year-old man has a best friend who just exited a terrible relationship with a controlling girlfriend.

He’s happy to see that his best friend is slowly getting back to how he used to be before his now-ex entered his life.

“We were making plans to go out, and he said he might use the night to try to talk to some women if the opportunity arose and asked if I’d be a wingman and if he starts talking to someone, just talk to her friends if she’s in a group,” he explained.

“I agreed since there’s no harm in it. I mentioned this to my girlfriend, and she got angry and said I shouldn’t have agreed to it and that I shouldn’t be chatting up other women.”

He clarified to his girlfriend that he would not be talking to other women for his own interests; he was only doing it to help out his best friend.

He also promised to make it clear to other girls that he’s taken and will just act in a friendly, not flirty, way.

His girlfriend kept insisting it was out of line for him to agree to be a wingman and he needs to tell his best friend he’s backing out of the role.

“I pointed out I was doing nothing wrong and that all I’d be doing was possibly talking to friends of people he is talking to, and they may not even be women,” he said.

mavoimages – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“She just said I was completely in the wrong and should not be doing it. Does anyone have any different views or perspectives on this or any advice on how to handle it?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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