
Her Boyfriend Expects Her To Rehome Her Senior Dog In Order To Be With Him

JPRFphotos - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

For five years, this 26-year-old woman has been dating her 33-year-old boyfriend, and overall, things have been pretty excellent.

She says their values are essentially the same. They’re passionate about animal welfare and sustainability, and their goals also align for the future.

But, they have finally encountered their first major issue in their relationship, and it’s Lily, her elderly dog.

Lily is her whole world, and Lily has been by her side through some of the toughest moments of her life so far.

“Lily isn’t just any pet; she’s been my faithful companion for five years, offering unconditional love and companionship,” she explained.

“As Lily has aged, her needs have naturally evolved, requiring more care and attention. Despite her advancing years, my boyfriend has expressed discomfort around Lily.”

“His hesitation seems to stem from various factors, such as not being accustomed to living with pets, his OCD, concerns about cleanliness, and worries about potential damage to furniture and belongings. Lily can sometimes scratch on the sofa and the chairs.”

She’s tried to make her boyfriend feel better by staying at his apartment more since Lily obviously isn’t there.

As things between her and her boyfriend have become more serious, they have been talking a lot more about what their life together will be like.

JPRFphotos – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

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