Her Boyfriend Offered To Pay For Their Vacation, Then Expected Her To Split Their Expenses After They Got Home, But She Doesn’t Want To Because He Makes $90,000 A Year

Maridav - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Maridav - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Earlier this year, this 31-year-old woman told her boyfriend, who is 42, that she wanted to go on a vacation. She specifically wanted to travel to Florida sometime between February and March because her sister lives there, and she wanted to see manatees in a nearby local watering hole.

Well, at the time, her boyfriend – who works as the head of a program at a private university – asked if she would wait until the semester ended. That way, they could go on the trip together.

“Originally, I was planning to stay with my sister. No hotel, just driving to the springs, eating subs and healthy snacks along the way,” she recalled.

However, she agreed to wait until her boyfriend could also join her. Then, he began looking into different hotels.

Well, all the options he found were on the beach and cost a whopping $500 per night. At that point, she told her boyfriend no, claimed the rates were just too high, and said they shouldn’t visit Florida anymore.

Her boyfriend still wanted to go, though, so he said that he would pay for their hotel stay. Plus, he even told her “not to worry about that.”

So, she went along with his plan, and they went to Florida once her boyfriend’s semester was over.

“By this time, the manatees had all but left (I saw one), but I was okay because I got to see my sister and have a solid trip overall,” she said.

However, the very next day after she arrived home, her boyfriend added an itemized “shared expenses” section into their shared notes app – implying she needed to Venmo him for the trip expenses, which included their hotel, the restaurants her boyfriend picked out, and the one Uber ride they took.

Maridav – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This left her feeling really annoyed, too, because her boyfriend was the one who decided they should still go on the trip and offered to pay for the hotel. Not to mention, he makes $90,000 a year; meanwhile, he knows that she has been struggling financially.

“Also, because he picked out the places to eat, I assumed they were his treat,” she vented.

“It’s affecting how I feel about our future together, so I haven’t seen him in person since because I want to figure this out.”

Still, she’s not sure if not wanting to split the vacation costs with her boyfriend is justified or not.

How would you feel if your partner turned a low-cost visit to your sister’s house into an expensive vacation and then expected you to help pay for it after offering to cover the costs? Do you think she has a right to be upset? How should she handle this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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