
Her Cheating Ex-Husband Started Crying When He Saw How Much Weight She Lost, And Said He Wished She Looked This Way When They Were Married

VK Studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

I’ve always felt incredibly bad for women who are made to believe that it was “their fault” that their husbands cheated on them, even though they didn’t do anything wrong.

One woman’s ex-husband admitted to cheating on her and leaving her because he wasn’t attracted to her anymore, and now that she’s lost a bunch of weight, he’s filled with regret.

She and her ex-husband were married for ten years, and they have a three-year-old son together. They used to be very happy together, and she has a normal appetite when she’s happy.

“I have always loved how I look but am a ‘happy eater,'” she explained. “When I met my husband, I weighed 196 [pounds]. By happy eater, I mean that when I am sad, I can’t eat. I lose my appetite. When I’m happy, however, I love food because everything tastes a million times better. Everyone knows this about me, and some people find it weird.”

Last year, she was devastated when she found out her husband was cheating on her with her best friend. It crushed her, and she was shocked for so long that she could hardly do anything, including eat. She and her husband split, and she took primary custody of her son, although her ex-husband visits him for a few hours every day. 

In the months following her split from her ex, she was so upset that she couldn’t eat and dropped down to 125 pounds. After a few months, she realized that although she had lost weight, she wasn’t taking care of herself, so she started a new health journey, keeping extra weight off and building healthy muscle instead. She found a love for lifting weights and has been feeling the best she has in a long time.

Recently, whenever her ex-husband stopped by her home to visit their son for a few hours each day, he noticed her change in appearance as well and recently spoke up about it.

“He told me that I looked beautiful [and] I ignored [him], so he got upset,” she recalled.

“He started bawling and said he wished I made this effort when we were still married. He never loved anyone else [and said] cheating was his biggest regret, but that I share the blame too.” 

VK Studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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