Her Husband Cheated On Her With His Best Friend’s Fiancée, And Now She’s About To Start Dating His Best Friend

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Sadly, this 37-year-old woman’s marriage to her 42-year-old husband was filled with heartbreak. He cheated on her several times throughout the seven years that they were together.

The straw that broke the camel’s back, though, was when she uncovered her husband’s affair with his best friend’s fiancée.

She promptly got divorced, and as for her husband’s best friend, he dumped his fiancée before they got to the altar.

One year after this all went down, and lives fell apart, her now ex-husband’s former best friend met up with her so that they could share some of the stories of the affair.

“…We were the only ones that really fully knew what we were going through,” she explained. “We developed feelings, but ultimately decided nothing could go further because of the history as well as me not wanting to rush into a relationship that quickly.”

“It has been 3 years since this happened. We hadn’t spoken since (it would have been too hard emotionally to stay in contact), and both have dated other people in this time. He reached out a couple of months ago asking how I was.”

“Then we recently had a serious conversation laying everything out on the table about how we felt back then and now. Both of us have still thought about each other consistently since then and haven’t found that same connection with anyone else.”

She has two kids who are in elementary school from her ex-husband, and she has not let them meet anyone she has dated after her divorce.

She also doesn’t want her kids to meet this guy she’s thinking of going for until she knows they can have a solid future together.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

She knows she’s getting ahead of herself here, as she can’t see into the future and tell if things between them could warrant a forever.

“My friends think I should go for it,” she said. “They think he is a great guy and say that I deserve happiness.”

“But am I asking for trouble/drama if we do this?? Is this a terrible idea? Will I regret not giving it a chance if I don’t go for it? I’m torn and just seeing what people may think outside of the situation that I don’t have a personal relationship with.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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