Her Sister-In-Law Made Her Feel Inadequate So She’d Give Up Custody Of Her Newborn Baby

olenachukhil - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
olenachukhil - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

You often only hear stories of people ‘stealing babies’ in extreme circumstances or fictional books and movies. It’s terrifying to think about and even more frightening to imagine someone in your family wanting to steal your baby.

One woman recently told her sister-in-law she wasn’t allowed anywhere near her new baby after she tried to convince her she wasn’t capable of taking care of it and threatening to take it away while she was pregnant.

Her sister-in-law has had a complicated past, and it was very hard for her to become a mother. Her sister-in-law cannot physically have children, but she was able to adopt her 12-year-old daughter 11 years ago.

For the last two years, her sister-in-law has been begging her husband to adopt another baby with her, but he’s refused, which has driven her a bit crazy. Unfortunately, things got worse when she became pregnant, and her sister-in-law started bothering her five months in.

“[My sister-in-law] started inviting me over all the time and often put it in my head that I wasn’t capable of taking care of a child because I have a history of depression,” she said.

“She was just constantly saying, ‘I’m worried about you,’ or ‘I fear you will have postpartum psychosis.’ She said everything in such a way that I actually started believing her. It [messed] with my head nearly every night.”

Throughout her entire pregnancy, her sister-in-law would make disturbing comments like this, and they got worse the closer she got to her due date.

Right before her baby was born, her sister-in-law told her she wasn’t sure she could “handle” having a baby and that if she ever did something wrong, she’d have to “fight” her and her brother for custody of it.

When she finally gave birth last October, her sister-in-law came to meet her baby girl two weeks later, and she hesitantly let her hold her. Her sister-in-law began to cry while holding her baby, which freaked her out. Then, when she asked for her baby back, her sister-in-law shooed her away and told her she was fine.

olenachukhil – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

When she finally got her baby girl back, she held her close and sobbed, totally wigged out by what had happened. 

“Through therapy and some realization, I can now see that my sister-in-law was using manipulation tactics to make me feel less than, so I would give her custody of my daughter,” she said. 

“She asked me last week if she could come ‘steal the baby away’ for some snuggles. I told her no. She asked why, and I was honest and said that I didn’t trust her because of all of her comments throughout my pregnancy and her refusal to hand my daughter back to me like I requested when she was here, so no, she wasn’t allowed around my baby at all.”

Her sister-in-law was very angry with her and tried filling her head with more delusion, telling her this cold turkey cut-off was her having a ‘manic episode’ and that she was right about her parenting skills all along.

While she blocked her sister-in-law’s number and hoped that’d be the end of their interactions for a while, her sister-in-law’s been getting her mother-in-law involved, and they’re both bothering her husband.

What would you do if you were in her position?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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