She Asked Her Boyfriend To Stop Fully Funding His Ex-Wife’s Very Lavish Lifestyle, But He Just Called Her Jealous And Materialistic

pikselstock - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
pikselstock - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s not uncommon for people to continue financially supporting their ex-spouse to some degree after getting a divorce. However, there are some circumstances where that seems uncalled for.

One woman recently had to ask her boyfriend to stop supporting his ex-wife’s lifestyle as she finds it ridiculous.

She’s 25-years-old and in a relationship with her boyfriend, David. David used to be married to a woman named Nina, who left her home country to be with him.

During their marriage, David assured Nina he would always take care of her no matter what. Unfortunately, he took that quite literally.

Since she started dating David after he and Nina split, he’s been living with his family. While he should be living on his own, he has to save money somehow because he’s sending so much of it to Nina.

“I love that my boyfriend is so reliable and responsible, but what I don’t love is that [Nina] literally doesn’t have a job, and he’s going above and beyond financial support,” she said.

“He’s paying for her to live a pretty extravagant lifestyle. For example, he’s paying off her car, which was [around] $70,000. Nobody needs a car that expensive, let alone a person who has no income.”

Nina doesn’t even have her own place and lives with David’s grandma, so she and David still see her from time to time.

Recently, her issues with David and Nina came to a head when she and David went to visit his grandma and saw Nina getting ready for a night out. She was dressed head to toe in expensive clothing and was using luxurious beauty products.

pikselstock – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“Later, I brought it up to David, telling him that she’s spending his money on really frivolous but expensive stuff,” she recalled.

“He told me that he knows and he doesn’t mind because it makes her happy, and he wants her to be happy because he loves her. I told him she’s never going to get a job and support herself if she has him getting her everything she wants. David got mad at me because he thinks I’m jealous and that I have no right to be because there is nothing romantic going on between them.”

David then became angrier as he accused her of being unsympathetic toward Nina’s situation and thought her ‘jealousy’ was a bad look.

However, she is not jealous of Nina and never thought something was going on between her and David. She just feels that he’s gone too far with supporting her and that it’s unfair she gets to live such a lavish lifestyle because of his money.

Is she wrong to want David to stop sending money to his ex?

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