
She Just Discovered That Her New Husband Has A Secret Child

Marinesea - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Yesterday evening, this 28-year-old woman was digging through old photos on Google Drive when she came across some suspicious screenshots of a conversation between her new 33-year-old husband and some other girl.

She just married her husband a month ago, and in this conversation he had with a girl back in 2018, this girl insisted she didn’t want to date her husband simply because he was the father of her child.

She then came across another conversation with the same girl who said their relationship was moving at a breakneck pace, and she was uneasy.

So, her husband indeed has a secret child out there somewhere, and he never once mentioned this to her.

This eerily feels like her life, as she has been with her husband for less than a year, and their relationship as a whole progressed at a crazy speed.

She’s also currently pregnant, and when she shared the news with her husband, he told her that doctors have said to him in the past his chances of having a child are slim to none due to some medications he used to be on.

“My husband had also said he’s had “baby scares” in the past, but they ended up not being his,” she explained.

“He mentioned there being more than one and I did not pry for details but asked if he could have a kid out there he didn’t know about, which he denied at the time. Now, after seeing this, I looked up the woman on social media and saw pictures of her and her son.”

“Looking at her husband, who is pictured in the birth photo, he is obviously not the father as he is of a different race. The boy also looks so much like my husband; exact facial features.”

Marinesea – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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