She Told Her Husband That He Should Just Marry His Brother’s Wife If He’s Going To Keep Fawning Over Her Sister-In-Law And Making Her Feel Bad

BullRun  - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
BullRun - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s always so great when your partner gets along with not only your immediate family members but your in-laws as well, as it can make for one happy family.

However, it gets a little uncomfortable when the in-laws get a little too attached to each other.

One woman recently had an outburst at her husband after she noticed he’s been giving his brother’s wife more attention than her recently.

She and her husband have been together for a while and have kids together. They are close to her husband’s brother and his wife, which sounds great, but it’s been a struggle for her because her husband seems to be obsessed with his sister-in-law.

“Nothing she says or does is wrong,” she said.

“When we visit [her], he could talk about her for three to four days afterward like he was in a trance. We visited [them] last weekend to see their new baby [and] I swear he was paying more attention to her and the baby than he ever did with me and any of our children. He complimented everything, from how she looked, how clean the house was, the delicious food, etc.”

At one point, her husband told his sister-in-law she was like “superwoman,” something he had never said to her.

While she tried to subtly show him how disappointed she was in how he was behaving, he ignored her and kept all his attention on his sister-in-law.

Unfortunately, her husband wouldn’t drop his obvious crush and wouldn’t stop talking about her when they got home after that visit.

BullRun – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Eventually, she had an outburst and told her husband that if he thought his sister-in-law was so great and perfect, he should be with her instead.

“He looked at me with no expression and I broke down and asked why he was doing this, knowing that I am the complete opposite of her,” she recalled.

“Why is he so insensitive to my feelings?”

Since that day, her husband has acted like he’s done nothing wrong, and she’s felt increasingly hurt and confused.

What would you do if you were in her position?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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