She’s Currently Pregnant, And Her Husband Just Asked For A Separation After She Caught Him Cheating With An 18-Year-Old Girl

kichigin19 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
kichigin19 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old woman is currently pregnant with her second child, but now, her 26-year-old husband is asking for a separation.

Not too long ago, she caught her husband cheating on her with an 18-year-old girl who graduated from high school this year.

She found the messages between her husband and this girl, but the cheating ran deeper than just some texts back and forth.

Her husband works as a police officer, and this girl has been dropping by the place where he works to hang out with him.

It turns out, her husband has kissed this girl once before.

“After it was brought up with him, he told me he felt like he hasn’t been in love with me for years (together 9, married 4.5), doesn’t feel attracted to me (we have been intimate this entire time until a few weeks ago),” she explained.

She and her husband work different schedules; he is on the night shift, while she works during the day.

She recently completed her first year of nursing school, which was an enormous task for her, so she’s been incredibly stressed out and busy dealing with that.

However, she was thrilled to have the summer off from her nursing program, and she was looking forward to spending quality time with her husband as well as their three-year-old child.

kichigin19 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“He explained he wants to take space from each other while still living together for our child and because I’m 8 months pregnant,” she said.

“He told me he stopped talking to this girl, and the girl even messaged me saying she didn’t realize he was married. But he’s still being distant and never apologized.”

She’s not interested in walking away from her husband or ending their marriage over his fling with the 18-year-old.

She’s considering trying to convince her husband to attend couples counseling with her so they can attempt to rebuild their marriage.

She’s not sure how to provide her husband with the space he requested right while also working through all of the intense feelings she’s experiencing.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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