
She’s Pregnant And Worried That Her Husband Refuses To Rehome Their Dog, Who Has Bitten People Several Times

After the dog got kicked out of the kennel, he kept on snapping and biting while her husband continued to acknowledge his alarming behavior.

She has brought up to her husband on multiple occasions that she’s worried about their safety since the dog is not predictable and difficult.

Her husband has brushed her away, but now she’s pregnant with twins and is growing increasingly concerned about the dog.

Her husband keeps insisting he can’t understand why she doesn’t like the dog and makes her feel like she’s making things up.

“I’ve been very unhappy in my own house and anxious when guests come over, especially with little ones or pregnant friends,” she said.

She finally asked her husband if they could try to get the dog into professional training, and after complaining about the cost, her husband relented.

During the first session, the trainer they hired admitted to her that it was easy to see why she was so worried about the dog’s behavior and outlined she’s not a terrible person for wanting to rehome him.

Her mom attempted to intervene and explain to her husband why the dog is worrisome, but her husband wouldn’t listen.

Her husband’s brothers then tried to say something, as they think the dog is a problem and could pose a safety threat to her babies after they are born.

“My husband has told me “you don’t need to resent him” or how “I’ll be a bad mom because I have favorites,” she continued.

“This week, my husband was bitten for the first time, and he had drawn blood. My husband, who is a doctor, didn’t want to go get stitches from his work, so I superglued his wound.”

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