
She’s Seven Months Pregnant With Twins, So She Bowed Out Of Her Friend’s Bachelorette Party, But Her Friend Called Her Horrible, Selfish And Said She Shouldn’t Have Gotten Pregnant Knowing The Wedding Was This Year

AnnaDemy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman’s friend, Sarah, 31, is getting married next month, and they’ve been friends since middle school. Sarah’s bachelorette party is this weekend, which has been in the works for a few months. When Sarah first began planning the party, she assured Sarah she’d be in attendance.

A month after Sarah’s bachelorette party plans were finalized, she learned she was pregnant with twins. She and her husband, Matt, already have two sons, 5 and 3. Unfortunately, her pregnancy has been difficult, and she’s been suffering from exhaustion, soreness, and discomfort.

Since Matt works as a firefighter, he has long shifts, and even though he does his best to take time off or work fewer hours, it’s not always possible. Several weeks ago, she informed Sarah that she could not attend the bachelorette party. Initially, Sarah seemed to take the news well.

“She said it was fine, and I’d probably change my mind as it got closer. Now that it’s this week, I’m sure I don’t want to go. I feel like it would be too much for me,” she said.

On Saturday, she got together with Sarah, and while hanging out, she mentioned that she still wasn’t planning to attend the bachelorette party. Sarah repeated that she wouldn’t feel that way for much longer and would end up coming, but she assured Sarah she was firm in her decision not to go.

Sarah was furious and accused her of being an awful, unsupportive friend. She attempted to defend herself and explain why she didn’t want to go, but Sarah wasn’t receptive to her perspective and began cussing her out and name-calling her.

“She knew these babies weren’t planned, and yet she called me selfish and said that I shouldn’t have gotten pregnant when I knew her wedding was this year,” she explained.

After that, Sarah marched out, and she was left alone and hurt while several onlookers gawked at her. She went home a few minutes later and vented to Matt about what happened. Matt had never been fond of Sarah, to begin with, and wasn’t shocked by Sarah’s behavior.

During the conversation, Matt advised her not to allow Sarah’s comments to negatively affect her. He said that if Sarah decided to end their friendship over this situation, she shouldn’t stop Sarah from making that choice.

AnnaDemy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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