
These Are Set To Be The Hottest Makeup Trends Of The Year

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s hard to believe we’re already almost halfway through 2024! It’s been an exciting year so far, and it’s intriguing to think about how things will change during the second half of the year.

With several months of 2024 already behind us, we’ve witnessed some remarkable fashion and makeup trends that will likely stick around for a long while. 

If you’re looking to switch things up with your daily makeup routine, here are some makeup trends that have been shining this year you may want to try out!

Grunge makeup

While ‘clean girl makeup’ has certainly had its moment, more people are finding joy in channeling a grunge look.

For your next night out, try doubling up on your eyeliner and darker eyeshadows to create a grunge makeup look that’ll make you feel like a rockstar. You can read more about grunge makeup in our article here!

Highlighted skin

Years ago, makeup gurus used to be crazy about making their skin as matte as possible and meticulously applying small amounts of highlighter.

Now, glowing, highlighted skin is in. With trends like “glazed donut skin,” we’re encouraged to go a little crazier with our highlighters and ensure our skin is shiny in the right places.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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